Our Purpose

Our Mission

The mission of Enso Group is to help organizations and individuals achieve workable solutions to promote mutually adaptive human growth. We seek to promote effective systemic change in systems that highly influence the human condition, including business, healthcare, education, and the arts, in ways that promote both the success of the organization and all those impacted by it.

Our Strategy

1. Providing evaluations of the actual behaviors occurring in organizations/systems and their effectiveness.

2. Providing customized evidence-based consulting and recommendations for evidence-based consultants.
3. Providing integrative translational assessment and consulting to promote diverse perspectives.
4. Using technology to support the natural learning process of effective behavior change.

Our People

We are a small group of like-minded individuals who are aligned in purpose and values. We believe that humans are neither good nor bad, but are molded by their interactions with their environments. Our environments in modern society are a great deal different than they were even a generation ago. To survive and thrive, we now must deal with constant change and complexity. Our environments flood us with information. We now receive a near constant overflow of information via phone, web, television, and the constantly changing cast of individuals we meet the major contexts we inhabit.

We are now highly mobile, both in physical location and the careers we inhabit. Though these are positive changes for humanity in many ways, the choices of each individual, group, and organization now have a pervasive influence on the quality and nature of our lives, health, relationships, economies, and politcs.

It is our stance that only by developing our individual, group, organizational, and systemic awareness of how our behavior affects us, others, and the systems we depend on can humanity take its next steps.

Our people are experts from a variety of fields and industries who want to work towards a future that is better for all. Though many of the people we work with have deep experience in behavioral science and behavior analysis, this is simply because it is our common language and metric.

We work with individuals and groups across theoretical backgrounds, academic fields, and industries who have a proven track record for creating effective change. To meet us, the consultants, and our closest collaborators see the ‘Meet Us’ page.

The consultants we work with have contracts with us and are represented on our ‘Meet Us’ page. Please note that we have a train-the-trainer track for change-makers who would like to become consultants, with us or individually. These individuals may purchase assessment products for themselves as they learn the practice of effective consulting. All evidence-based consultants we work with will be represented on our site as contracts are established with them. If you have a favored consultant who is not represented on our page, please contact us or have them contact us.


Our 'People' Practices

We focus on adaptive, mutual, effective and sustainable change for individuals and the systems they exist within. We strive to respect the needs and perspectives of all stakeholders, and indeed, our assessment practices themselves are ment to give safe ‘voice’ to individuals within systems who might otherwise struggle to be heard. By assessing the ‘experience’ of those interacting in systems day-to-day we are able to provide actionable feedback to the leaders, individuals, and their organizations about how they might alter their policies, practices, or interactions to best support growth.

Each contract that we take on comes with a number of provisions and protections to best support growth of all parties, in the situation at hand. If you are an organizational client, we require that you agree to interact with your staff, our staff, and all individuals within the systems of influence with respect, awareness, and appropriate protections.

We reserve all rights to protect the delivery and form of results. We reserve the right to end contracts with organizations, consultants, and any other parties should they willfully engage in practices to gain unfair advantage interpersonally, organizationally, or which may damage trust in ENSO’s process.

If you experience problems you believe to be related to our practices, your organizations use of our services, our the the services of consultants we work with – please contact us directly. Information provided will be considered confidential to the extent provided by the law. At times, we may wish to address the issues with the party directly – should this appear indicated we will ask you how we might best protect your rights. We will respect those agreements to the extent allowed by law.

Our Assessment Practices

We use a variety of different assessment practices based on the needs of the individual, group, or organization – and the objectives of assessment. We tend to be sought out for our use of advanced methodology that allows measurement to occur across situations, frequently simply as a part of regular business practices. These methods allow us to assess a wide variety of behaviors from individual, to group, to system behaviors – and their change-based on social, environmental, and other factors. These methods also allow us, over longer assessment periods, to speak toward the policies and practices that drive Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or long-term outcomes of concern (e.g., cost of health insurance, workers comp, impact on staff turnover, and impact on a wide variety of interpersonal, departmental, individual, and organizational goals. We also strive to deliver actionables and deliverables based on the data and the needs of the stakeholders. We strive to provide data and change in easy to understand form – whether it be via report, data-driven consulting, dashboards, etc.

We favor the following assessment methods:

1) Automatic collection of data from technologies that exist in the workplace. This is often refered to as Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) or passive data-collection from devices that people work with in the process of doing their jobs (e.g., computers, mobile phones, etc.).

2) Automatic collection of the written, and sometimes spoken, words of those individuals as they go about their regular operations. We then examine themes, topics, and interaction dynamics as they change over time. Please note, it is against our practices to “quote” anyone’s data to another individual, group, or organization without their express permission.

We often provide dashboards and data representations that reflect no more than 3 – 4 word N-grams (see source). This allows us to represent the important issues, experiences, and dynamics of situations while best protecting their confidentiality. Certain shorter groups of words will also be stripped from results to further protect confidentiality based on the level of assessment, trust, and goals of all parties involved. For example, no groups of words that might identify health conditions, mental health conditions, or relationship dynamics and issues clearly not relevant to assessment will be included in reports or visualizations without express permission from those involved.

To learn more about various types and levels of assessment (see source). Real and mock examples of data layouts are viewable (here).


Our Ideal Clientele

What industries, groups, or individuals do you work with?

We work with a number of consultants who have deep experience in certain industries, and develop our knowledge of industries as well. If you are interested in working with us, contact us for a free consultation to discuss what assessment methods, consultants, and change-support services may best support your goals.

We currently work with individuals who specialize in the following industries:


Health/Mental Health Services



The Arts & Entertainment Industry


What are your specialities?

Our ‘speciality’ is in development of adaptive and connective human behavior. We focus on creating effective change via changes to the environment (e.g., office space), practices, policies, of business such that adaptive behavior is supported and maintained. We work with individuals and teams to determine how best new skills might be learned and supported, within your situation.

We also have special interest in advancing flexible, aware, and adaptive solutions to problems that affect diverse, under-represented, and disempowered populations – within their contexts.

This includes:

1) Development of rapid iterative solutions based on well established principles of human behavior and the results of single-case tests of those solutions in the situation. For example,

2) Supporting effective relations across diversity perspectives and life experiences (e.g., gender, culture, ethnic, sexual orientation, socieo-economic, ability, and speciality perceptive differences) in the work environment.

3) Supporting effective work-life balance (e.g., reduction of stress, burnout, secondary trauma, vicarious trauma).

4) Development of skills needed for success at the individual, group, and organizational level. For example, developing effective ‘Executive Presence’, leadership, feedback (providing/receiving), sales/marketing/public speaking communication refinement.

5) Providing solutions that support on-going learning for different levels and needs. For example, providing any combination of the following to support learning: 1) changes to the environment, 2) consulting, 3) workshops, 4) intervention design, 5) product design, 6) media/consulting/educational materials delivered via the web, mobile devices, or on-demand. Additionally, we provide and develop products that support rapid feedback of data to influence the situation as it occurs or shortly after. This may include: dashboards, visualizations, products, and/or alerts that help support the creation and maintanence of effective environments, adaptive behavior, and successful learning.

Do you collaborate with ____ ?

We may collaborate with any party who is respectful, considerate, evidence-based as time and resources allow.

We do assist academic researchers, particularly those actively working towards a collaborative reticulated science of human behavior. That is, we favor teams who above all strive to create effective change – regardless of theoretical and academic divisions.

If you are interested in collaborating please contact us.

For Business

What are the potential benefits?

Data-driven development efforts have increasingly been recognized as the only way forward in rapidly changing markets. Similarly, most businesses now recognize that gaining and maintaining market advantage depends on their ability to successfully support the best in their teams and leaders. As a data-driven behavioral change firm, we offer a combination of services rarely available on the market.

Working with us can allow you to progressively develop your data-driven capabilities and systems rather than investing in an internal or external ‘data science firm.’ Additionally, ‘data science’ firms generally consist of statisticians, not business experts or behavioral change experts. Due to that, there can be a tendency towards disconnect in what is measured, how much is measured, and the form/impact of results provided. If your organization is looking to begin its path towards ‘data-driven’ and ‘people-driven’ sustainable development – we offer advanced assessment, catered packages, and targeted behavioral change support to meet your needs.

In addition, our assessment techniques frequently provide data that addresses a wide range of concerns held by leaders, boards, employees, and other stake holders. For an example of the kinds of questions an assessment might answer for your organization, check out these resources (here).

What are the potential risks?

There are always ‘risks’ to change. Whether one is launching a product or changing their policies, practices, or interacting with staff – business inherently carries ‘risk’. Likewise, ‘success’ in behavior change and organizational development involves sustained effort towards a definable goal. The risks inherent in principle-based, evidence-based and data-driven development of people are, almost by nature alone, lower than the ‘risks’ entailed in acting without data and without knowledge of human behavior.

There is the potential that an effort may not create the change desired; however, we use agile design of solutions and continuous assessment to quickly tailor solutions for the best results. Rather than providing a simple ‘stock’ solution without examining your situation we provide fluid, principle-driven integrative interventions. This means that we won’t ask you to abandon what ‘works’ for you, your people, and your organization.

Specific ‘risks’ and concerns related to assessment and practices:

1) We can help you deliver change from start to finish, or support your efforts at a number of levels.

2) Are their any potential legal complications from examining data created by my organization and its people in the course of business. The law has indicated overwhelmingly that ’employees’ in an organization have no assumed right to privacy for the data they produce while employed, with office equipment, or in communications made as a process of regular business operations.

Despite this, we would assert that engaging in effective, sustainable change always involves forthright negotiation of needs and trust between parties. Due to our strong belief in the importance of process and mutal development we do specifically contract for the rights of all parties and stakeholders to be respected and honored. Thus, while the law may support employers general right to data created by their employees – use of our services entails agreement to follow higher standards and breach of purposeful breech of these standards will be considered breech of contract, up to and including seeking damages on behalf of ENSO and/or parties harmed by the breech of contract. See our terms and conditions for further details. 

These policies support the trust and fairness of a developmental process for all parties.

What can I expect?

You can expect to work with behavior change experts, systems experts, industry experts, and to receive the deliverables and process described.

You can expect us to adapt solutions to a changing context and to respect the needs of your leaders, employees, and organization.

What are your products, packages, and pricing?

Our products, packages, and pricing are adaptive. We list products and services at standard prices for ease of purchase by customers who are already using our products and services or have consulted with us and determined a solution to meet their needs.

Data products can often be scaled based on the ‘volume’, ‘velocity’, and ‘variety’ of data involved. For organizational ‘check-ups’ and small development projects very little data may need to be collected. Prices and packages may then be adjusted to reflect this.

A few general guidelines should be kept in mind:

1) Data should whenever possible be maintained in a continuous format, changing formats of files, how it is transfered, or the analyses, and deliverables provided may necessitate a great deal of reformating and adapting, and thus are likely to increase the cost of your product.

2) Some products are listed under multiple categories of ‘function’ (e.g., ‘Data’, ‘Design’, and ‘Delivery’). This is often done for data-driven products and services that can be provided on a per hour, subscription, or retainer hourly contract. Essentially, to meet that need you can receive the same per hour cost for data, design, and consulting deliverables – to simplify the purchasing process.

3) Unless otherwise stated or contracted (e.g., real-time dashboards), we do not provided data analysis or actionables based on the last 72 hours and/or the most recent time ‘segment’ in your analysis cycle. Data analysis and presentation of results requires attention to detail and consideration of appropriate formats for presentation. Therefore – we do not accept unscheduled requests for rapid turn-arounds that require further analysis.

How can we join the movement towards effective, sustainable growth?

We’re glad you asked. As an organization you can contact us about joining our organizational membership for special offers on services and products. You can request to identify yourself as an ENSO-driven workplace that strives to respect the needs and perspectives of all its stakeholders. You can also contact us to arrange collaborations and data-driven solutions development with us or ask us about change-makers (academics, researchers, clinicians, physicians, organizations, etc.) whose efforts you might support.

For Staff of Organizational Partners

What are the potential benefits?

Think about your work day. How many inefficiencies, annoyances, or ‘difficult people’ do you interact with each day?

Our job is to make your job easier while making your organization more effective at the same time. Most people spend the bulk of their lives at work. These environments heavily influence our lives, when they don’t ‘work’ they are exhausting, life-zapping, and stressful. When they do ‘work’ they can connect us with people who believe and work towards our life purpose. 

What are the potential risks?

There are always ‘risks’ with change. Unlike most data and business development firms, we’re a team of professionals with experience in the evidence-based and sensitivity of working with people. We bring business experience along with rather than being business before people. 

What can I expect?

Expect a team of specialists devoted to the growth of your whole team. What doesn’t work for the team, eventually, doesn’t work for the organization. 

What are your products, packages, and prices?

We offer career development packages for employees that use the same services we leverage for the larger organization. If you would like to have us work with you individually to maximize your effectiveness in your work and/or personal life see one our our individual packages for data-driven consulting. 

For Change-makers

What are the potential benefits?

Are you interested in getting into consulting but need to learn the ‘ropes’? We provide training to help you move into this career path.

We use embedded assessment methods (e.g., Ecological Momentary Assessment EMA, passive data collection via mobile phone, Natural Language Processing of e-mail and other verbal behavior), responsive intervention tools (e.g., data or time-driven prompting Ecological Momentary Intervention) of behavior-behavior relations. 

Though we can measure traditional constructs (e.g., “depression”, “anxiety”) in many ways, we prefer to measure changes in actual human behavior (e.g., steps taken, characteristics of verbal behavior signal change over time). 

We then use these to predict outcomes that matter to individuals and groups. Whether you are moving into consulting, building a portfolio to support career mobility, or interested in measuring behavior for research or clinical purposes – contact us for a free consult.  

How can I join the movement towards effective, sustainable growth?

We’re glad you asked. As a change-maker you can contact us about joining our change-maker membership for special offers on services and products. You can request to identify yourself as an ENSO-driven consultant that strives to respect the needs and perspectives of all its stakeholders. 

Our Methods

How do you understand behavior and systems of behavior?

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

How do you assess behavior?

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

How do you choose goals for change?

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

Who will I work with?

Maecenas eu placerat ante. Fusce ut neque justo, et aliquet enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam commodo neque erat, vitae facilisis erat. Cras at mauris ut tortor vestibulum fringilla vel sed metus. Donec interdum purus a justo feugiat rutrum. Sed ac neque ut neque dictum accumsan. Cras lacinia rutrum risus, id viverra metus dictum sit amet.

Fusce venenatis, urna eget cursus placerat, dui nisl fringilla purus, nec tincidunt sapien justo ut nisl. Curabitur lobortis semper neque et varius. Etiam eget lectus risus, a varius orci. Nam placerat mauris at dolor imperdiet at aliquet lectus ultricies.

Duis tincidunt mi at quam condimentum lobortis.

Assessment and Technology

What assessment methods do you use?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) of verbal communications in organizations (e.g., customer service calls, e-mail exchanges, organizational messaging).

Measurement of actual behavior collected through devices used in the work environment (e.g., mobile phones, badges, program usage, etc.)

What supportive technologies do you use?

We work with experts in behavioral change, instructional design, and information technology, and people analytics to customize data-driven change programs.

Data Practices

What kind of data formats do you accept?

When you meet with a consultant for consultation ask about data formats accepted based on your package and purposes.

How is data stored?

We use secure cloud-based systems to store, process, and analyze data. Delivery of actionables and results may be by consultant, by report, or by customized dashboard or alerts system.

How secure and confidential is my data?

Your data is kept confidential according to the specific purpose and contract determined for your organization. If you are an employee at a current organizational client you may request to see the data contract at any point. Our consultants will also handle questions and queries via email and in-person. 

How much data do you need?

This varies based on the purposes of the assessment. Discuss the purposes and packages you are interested in with your consultant or schedule a free 30-minute consultation.